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Wednesday, November 22, 2023

HighLevel: Simple Contact creation a POST operation

Creating contacts in HighLevel using the Zapier API

HighLevel has an API with lots of features for integration with your applications and processes. But sometimes you just need to add a Contact from an application, like a Web Form.

HighLevel provides a Zapier integration that can fit a lot of needs. If your requirements push you towards a custom integration, thankfully you can use the same endpoint for your needs as well.

Note: this only works with Sub Accounts. Agencies need to use the full API.

Create Key

Your API key can be found and/or regenerated in the Location view at Settings > Business Profile > General Information section. At the bottom there's a section labeled API Key.

Note: Regenerating the API key (clicking the refresh icon) will invalidate any existing integration using the key.

Perform POST request

To create a new contact, perform a POST request to this URL:


You need headers determining the content type, and the authorization Bearer Token.

This should be the key you generated in the UI, prefixed with Bearer , space included.

Authorization: "Bearer apiKey123"
Content-Type: "application/json"

With a JSON body with these parameters:

"first_name": "Some First Name",
"last_name": "Some Last Name",
"email": "name@example.com",
"phone": "+112355500000",
"source": "Your App Name",
"tags": "tag1,tag2,tag3",
"lead": true